Wednesday, 23 February 2011

The Lake District Trilogy ...

The challenge was set by Rob, our photographic "guide" for the weekend to come up with 3 images based on the animal, mineral, vegetable theme to be submitted at the end of the course, linked together somehow by shape, colours or some other appropriate connection.

From the outset I knew I would find this quite a challenge, being more of a "big picture" person, at least when it comes to photography, so I feel that there is a bit of a story behind these images!

My neandothol photographic (female) side (if such a thing can exist) often thinks "Ooooh, mountain, photo!" Or "Oooooh, waterfall, photo!" I guess this is quite primeval, and so I was on the lookout this weekend for something beyond the bigger picture.

That was at least for the first 10 minutes of shooting, as everything after that seems to have reverted to "big picture" so I guess a lesson can be learned here somewhere! So, although I have found 3 images on the theme, I didn't actually initially set out to put these 3 images together. It has been more of a collage created in the editing process as it were!

Light on snow, Derwent Water

Abstract water, Aira Beck

Tree Bark, Hawes End
As for the animal, mineral, vegetable theme I feel that the links are somewhat tenuous. I can assure you that if you look hard enough in the landscape scene there is a beached whale or a sleeping man, or a large jurassic serpent-type creature lying by a pool!

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